WooCommerce Tutorials

Saucal: Engaging Consumers Through WooCommerce!


Ecommerce has become a big deal; if you’re engaged in it in one form or another, you’ve at least heard about it. That can be problematic from a couple of standpoints: there’s a lot of competition out there trying to capture consumers’ attention—and there’s a lot of competition out there among vendors trying to help marketers do just that.

Business leaders are looking for the answers, and the expert support, to help them achieve results. That’s where Saucal comes in. Saucal designs revenue-maximizing WooCommerce sites that drive business growth. While others may be focused on building beautiful websites, our focus is on building websites that generate results (of course, we believe they’re pretty beautiful too!).

We’re not the only ones who think so. We’re confident in our work, but real validation comes from outside review. That’s what Clutch, a research firm based in Washington, D.C, offers us—third party perspectives on the value we provide which is gratifying to us but which, better yet, sends a strong signal to potential customers about the quality and scope of our services.

Clutch has reviewed thousands of agencies in the tech, digital, and content marketing space and selects those to profile on its web site based on their ability to meet client needs. Unlike some other sources, Clutch doesn’t derive decisions by what they see on companies’ web sites, or what companies have to say about themselves but, most importantly, by what these companies’ customers have to say about them!

Their research is extensive and involves an in-depth review of companies. Clutch seeks to validate the companies’ positioning and services by gathering evidence of proven experience through case studies, portfolio items, client lists and other indicators of market presence.

We’re delighted to have a profile on Clutch; we’re even more delighted to have been chosen recently as an up and coming top ecommerce provider! That’s a big deal to us; and a big deal to our customers! Our customers have shared some very gratifying input with Clutch as part of their review process.

For instance, one of our clients, the president of an oil and gas company, said: “We’ve had a high hit rate on our site. Our shareholders are interested in it… Saucal has a good team that understands our business and listens to us. They’re very responsive…”

Another client, the associate director of development for a music software company said: “Of all the development companies I’ve worked with, Saucal has excelled at making sure that the scope of work is dialed in before it’s actually started. I rarely have to add on additional work.”

We’re of course proud of our perfect 5 star rating. Our profile on Clutch offers potential customers a thorough summary of our services, including detailed charts showing prospective clients which industries we serve, a list of some of our clients, and a sense of what it’s like to work with us. Check out our profile or receive a free consultation for your next project!