No Pong

Ending 18 Months of Technical Hell





No Pong is an extremely effective, all-natural, all-day deodorant that is 100% paraben, aluminum, cruelty, and plastic-free.

The Challenge

“We had just been through around 18 months of technical hell. We were at our wit’s end and really wanted to find another platform because we felt that WooCommerce wasn’t scalable at all. We spent probably close to $100,000 evaluating other platforms and found that they couldn’t do what WooCommerce does out of the box.”

Our entire business hangs on having a stable site that can handle large order volumes. Our whole team now sings Saucal’s praise, as the performance improvements they’ve executed made life so much easier for our managers and customer service team.

– Melanie McVean, Co-founder, No Pong

The Stakes

  • $100,000 wasted searching for solutions before Saucal 
  • Tens of thousands of dollars lost to site crashes 
  • Hundreds of thousands of dollars lost in revenue growth 
  • Sleepless nights, constant stress and no vacation time  
  • Hundreds of thousands of customers couldn’t be segmented


“When we first met Saucal we were very skeptical but they were so convinced they could help us, they just said ‘we’ll just show you’ and they fixed something critical — and the site started flying.”

Rapid Response:
“Basically within about a week, the Saucal guys jumped us out of 18 months of awful hair-pulling stress and got us stable and got our site firing. It was just amazing. It was like a transformation.”

They feel like part of our team:
“Working with them has been really easy. We chat on Slack and we have meetings via Zoom — they feel like an extended part of our team. The communication is really, really great. It’s just been great working with them.”

Best of the best:
“They’re able to pick the best talent from wherever in the world and their team is amazing. We love working with those guys. They are smart cats.”

Saucal are amazing communicators. They’re so easy to work with, and their dedication to following through with really smart solutions is incredible. “Excellence” its one of our company values, and it seems very much to be part of Saucal’s DNA as well.

– Chris Caley, Co-founder, No Pong


Migrated the servers to Kinsta, a better — and less expensive — solution.

Stabilized the website with few coding changes and installed debugging tools.  

Optimized the site performance, removing non performing indexes and plugins and adding new ones that helped with the site’s overall performance.  

Customized plugins to allow dynamic pricing, wholesale offerings, etc.